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"You may remember that Raffensperger refused to “find” 11,780 votes as Trump demanded to flip the election results in Georgia from Biden to Trump."

It's like you people are living in some alternate universe, perhaps the one where Spock ended up wearing a beard. Nobody asked Raffensperger to find anything. You can literally link to the transcript proving that, and not understand what you've done.

“So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won the state.”

All Trump asked for was *access*, so his own people could go looking for votes. Or more specifically, he had some theories about fraudulent votes he thought he could prove, given that access.

Now, you may think he wasn't entitled to that access. You may think they weren't there to find in the first place. You may think his theory was total nonsense, just a cover story for his plan to do something completely different. But one thing is absolutely clear:

He didn't ask Raffensperger to find anything. You literally linked to the transcript proving that.

And you can't get that detail straight. You always go straight to the falsified account of what happened. Every time, without fail. Complete with the sneer quotes around "find", too, to imply something else was intended.

Maybe you should ask yourselves why you can't get even the most cut and dried details right. Why you always relate the falsified account that partisans crafted, even with the transcript right in front of you.

I suggest you go back and read the transcript. And reflect on why you always go straight to the partisan account of what happened, instead of what the transcript actually says.

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